Current weather in cedar rapids iowa

How many inches of snow did Cedar Rapids Iowa get?

Cedar Rapids gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 105 days per year. Climate Averages.

Cedar Rapids , Iowa United States
Rainfall 36.0 in. 38.1 in.
Snowfall 28.3 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 105.0 days 106.2 days
Sunny 193 days 205 days

What’s the UV index right now in Cedar Rapids Iowa?

Interpretation of the UV Index

Sun Exposure Risk UV Index
Moderate 3-5
High 6-7
Very High 8-10
Extreme 11+

What was the high temperature today in Cedar Rapids Iowa?

High 31F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph.

What is the wind chill in Cedar Rapids Iowa?

Lat: 41.88°NLon: 91.72°WElev: 840ft. Cedar Rapids Airport (KCID)

Humidity 73%
Barometer 29.82 in (1010.6 mb)
Dewpoint 26°F (-3°C)
Visibility 8.00 mi
Wind Chill 27°F (-3°C)

What is Cedar Rapids Iowa famous for?

This extra time afforded to our residents and visitors is why Cedar Rapids is known as “The City of Five Seasons.” This fifth season affords us time to enjoy all other seasons and to enjoy life. As the second-largest city in the state, we are: The largest corn-processing city in the world.

What is the record snowfall in Iowa?

In Iowa, measurable snow was recorded at most locations north of a line from Council Bluffs to Dubuque with reported accumulations including an incredible 10.0 inches at Le Mars, 8.0 inches at Cherokee, 7.5 inches at Waukon, 6.0 inches at Alton and Hawarden, 5.0 inches at Cushing, Iowa Falls, Milford, and Northwood,

Can Shed Cedar Rapids Iowa?

Monday – Saturday Please see our Walk-In Guidelines Cedar Rapids : Monday – Friday 9:30am –, Saturday 8:00am – 4:00pm Iowa City: Monday – Friday 9:30am –, Saturday 8:00am – 4:00pm Marion: Monday – Friday 9:30am –, Saturday 8:00am – 4:00pm Hiawatha Monday – Friday 9:30am –, Saturday 8:00am

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Can derechos be predicted?

Many times, these features are very subtle and hard to predict . Therefore, a progressive derecho can quickly develop with very little warning. Serial derechos develop along a line more parallel to the mid level flow and therefore are a much longer line of storms, however travel shorter distance.

What happened to Justin gehrts?

Today is Meteorologist Justin Gehrts ‘s last day here at the Channel 9 World Headquarters. He and his family are off to Columbus, Ohio for a new adventure. Justin will still work in weather but on the digital side of it. Justin came in from Rockford, where he worked for a couple of years in his “first job”.

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