Masonville iowa zip code

What is the zip code for Lowa?

Iowa ZIP Code List

Zip Codes for the State of Iowa
Zip Code City County
50013 Ames Story
50014 Ames Story
50020 Anita Cass

How many zip codes are in Iowa?

1055 zip codes

What is zip code size?

A ZIP Code is a postal code used by the United States Postal Service (USPS). Introduced in 1963, the basic format consisted of five digits. In 1983, an extended ZIP +4 code was introduced; it included the five digits of the ZIP Code , followed by a hyphen and four digits that designated a more specific location.

What city has the most zip codes?


What is Iowa’s area code?

Area code 515 Area code 712 Area code 641 Area code 319 Area code 563

What is Norwalk Iowa ZIP code?

50211 50321

Is zip code and PIN code same?

PIN code stands for Postal Index Number code . Also known as Zip code or area postal code , Pin code is the post office numbering code system used by the postal service of India, India Post.

What is the 5 digit zip code of India?

India does not have a 5 digit zip code . Instead, it has a 6- digit PIN Code – Postal Index Number( PIN ).

Is 11111 a valid ZIP code?

11111 is not a valid 5 digit ZIP Code , but there are valid ZIP Codes that start with 111: 11101, 11102, etc.

Is there a zip code 66666?

66666 – Free ZIP Code Lookup with area code , county, geocode 54321 – USA usa zip code , postal code22381 – 22381 Riverbend DR, Watertown – New York | US ZIP Codes .

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What is the poorest zip code in the US?

The poorest ZIP code in the entire United States is in Erie, PA. With a population of 1,418 households, the median income is $10,873 and the mean income is $14,780. To put that into perspective, the federal poverty level for a family of four is $25,100.

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