How far is Decorah from Waterloo?
62.70 miles
What is Decorah Iowa known for?
About Decorah The area became a popular area for Norwegian-Americans settlers, and in 1861 they founded Luther College; affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Luther College is known for its music programs. So, you can hear everything from chamber music to a new, local symphony orchestra while you’re in town.
How far is Decorah Iowa from Chicago?
235 miles
What is there to do in Decorah Iowa this weekend?
Things to Do in Decorah Dunnings Spring Park. 217 reviews. Nature & Parks. Decorah Fish Hatchery. 155 reviews. Museums. Vesterheim. 204 reviews. Toppling Goliath Brewing Company. 149 reviews. Trout Run Trail. 89 reviews. Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm. 94 reviews. Pulpit Rock Brewing Company. 53 reviews. Winneshiek Wildberry Winery. 29 reviews.
What does Decorah mean?
The name of this distinguished chief was ” Wakon Deco- rah,”—Waukon in the Winnebago langnage, means a “Snake.” Decorah , it would be difficult to translate, ” Corah ” being an Indian word signifying ” Light,” and ” De ” a French honor- ary prefix, with abont the same meaning that the word ” Esq.” expresses when affixed
How far is Decorah from Des Moines?
151 miles
How big is Decorah Iowa?
7.154 mi²
How far is Decorah Iowa from Cedar Rapids Iowa?
91.78 miles
How far is Decorah Iowa from Dubuque Iowa?
Distance from Dubuque , IA to Decorah , IA There are 79.34 miles from Dubuque to Decorah in northwest direction and 95 miles (152.89 kilometers) by car, following the US-52 and IA 3 route. Dubuque and Decorah are 2 hours 1 min far apart, if you drive non-stop .