Muscatine iowa zip code

What are the zip codes for Iowa?

Iowa ZIP Code List

Zip Codes for the State of Iowa
Zip Code City County
50002 Adair Adair
50003 Adel Dallas
50005 Albion Marshall

Is Muscatine Iowa a good place to live?

With useful information like amenities, education, employment and other key data points, finding the best places to live in Muscatine and in the areas around Muscatine is a much easier task. With a livability score of 72/100, Muscatine is ranked #8,333 in the United States and #428 in Iowa .

How do you find out what your zip code is? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code . There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

What is Muscatine Iowa famous for?

Muscatine soon became the world’s largest pearl button manufacturer, its factories employing half of the Muscatine workforce during the turn of the century, earning it the name of Pearl Button Capital of the World. In 1905, more than 1.5 billion pearl buttons were made in Muscatine .

What are the area codes in Iowa?

Area code 515 Area code 712 Area code 641 Area code 319 Area code 563

What is Norwalk Iowa ZIP code?

50211 50321

Is Muscatine Iowa Safe?

Muscatine is safer than the majority of cities, towns, and villages in America (89%) and also has a lower crime rate than 39% of the communities in Iowa, according to NeighborhoodScout’s analysis of FBI crime data.

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Are all US ZIP codes 5 digits?

U.S. ZIP Codes are always five digits long. These 3 and 4 digit numbers actually begin with one or two zeros. For example, when you see “501” for Holtsville, it’s really 00501. As a default, Excel converts this column into a number and removes the leading zeros.

Is zip code and PIN code same?

PIN code stands for Postal Index Number code . Also known as Zip code or area postal code , Pin code is the post office numbering code system used by the postal service of India, India Post.

What is the zip code means?

Zone Improvement Plan

What is a Muscatine Melon?

Muscatine melons are not meant to be picked green, bump along Interstates inside semi-trailers, or hang out in cold warehouses. “These melons differ from their cantaloupe, honeydew and Crenshaw cousins in that they are characterized by pronounced ridges; deep orange color; and juicy, fragrant flesh.

What does Muscatine mean?

Muscatine is a city in Muscatine County, Iowa, United States. It is the county seat of Muscatine County. The name Muscatine is unusual in that it is not used by any other city in the United States.

Who were the first settlers in Iowa?

The first European settlers in Iowa were French- Canadians , who worked in the lead mines near present-day Dubuque. The Black Hawk Treaty of 1833 opened most of Iowa to white settlement.

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