How many high schools are in iowa

How many schools are in Iowa?

General information

Regional comparison, 2012-2013
State Schools Students
Iowa 1,390 499,825
Illinois 4,266 2,072,880
Minnesota 2,403 845,404

How many high schools are in Des Moines Iowa?


How many high schools are in Iowa City?

The District covers roughly 133 square miles with 19 preschool sites, 21 elementary schools , 3 junior high schools , 3 comprehensive high schools , 1 alternative high school , and our Transition Services Center, a program for special education students ages 18-21.

What’s the biggest high school in Iowa?

Lincoln High School

What is the best school in Iowa?

Ames High School

What is the smallest school in Iowa?

Diagonal Community School District

What district is Iowa City in?

Iowa’s 2nd congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of Iowa that covers most of its southeastern part. It includes Davenport, Iowa City, Muscatine, Clinton, Burlington, Ottumwa, Fort Madison, Oskaloosa, Bettendorf, Newton and Pella.

What rank is Iowa in education?


State, federal district, or territory % High school graduate or higher Advanced rank
Iowa 91.8% 42
Utah 91.8% 23
Wisconsin 91.7% 35
Hawaii 91.6% 25

What is the biggest school district in Iowa?

Des Moines Public Schools

How many high schools are in the US?

24,000 public secondary schools

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